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email: info@respectum.com
Law company Respect Law company Respect Law company Respect


Disputes and litigation

We provide professional services of the certificated attorneys

We recognize that addressing and managing disputes earlier mitigates escalation of the dispute and is more likely to move towards a satisfactory, early and cost effective resolution. We also recognize that sometimes Court action is the only available way to take.  In such circumstances we advise our clients of the consequences of taking such action to achieve the desired result. We offer assistance in the following core areas:

  • consultations and preparation of documents for pre-court settlement of disputes;
  • proceedings in Courts of general jurisdiction, Arbitration Courts, Administrative Courts of all instances, International Commercial Arbitration Court of Trade Chamber of Ukraine;
  • execution of Decisions of Courts of Ukraine and acknowledgement of Decisions of International Commercial Arbitration Court of Trade Chamber of Ukraine.

Our lawyers have advised and represented clients in a large number of complex actions, in particular:

  • Contractual claims and recoveries
  • Shareholder and partnership disputes
  • Commercial disputes
  • Employment disputes
  • Trademark, Copyright infringement
  • Insolvency proceedings
  • Property disputes
  • Landlord and Tenant disputes
