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Law company Respect Law company Respect Law company Respect


Due diligence

Legal, financial and tax due diligence

Our company provides the foreign companies with the Legal Due Diligence service. The main objective of the Legal Due Diligence service is acquisition of information in order to make a final decision in relation to settlement of transaction, and revelation of legal and tax risks which the object under audit may have at the moment of handling of works or in future.

Legal Due Diligence key block:

  • corporate law (including but not limited to antitrust legislation, securities and etc.);
  • real estate, rights to immovable property;
  • intellectual property, licenses;
  • economic operations;
  • labor law;
  • tax issues;
  • judicial contests, contracting parties claims.

The Legal Due Diligence may be performed as the integrated part of multipurpose projects associated with establishment of holding companies or reorganization of already existed holding companies.

The positive advantage of the Legal Due Diligence in the legal firm "Respect" is the opportunity to perform corresponding works whether to the fullest extent or as regards to separate issues being of the Client's interests.

When performing the Legal Due Diligence the following shall be reviewed:

  • procedural and institutional documents;
  • documents of title to real estate, other assets;
  • licenses and necessary permits;
  • obligations legal relationship;
  • court and arbitration proceedings reports;
  • legal analysis of accounts receivable and account payable;
  • financial and tax documents;
  • securities;
  • labor relations and etc.
