Permits and Licenses
We provide complex services in obtaining all kind of licenses and permits
Law of Ukraine On Licensing of Types of Economic Activity (the “Law”) defines the types of economic activity which are subject to licensing; sets forth licensing procedures; establishes state control in the field of licensing; determines responsibilities of economic entities and licensing bodies for violation of licensing legislation.
The Law applies to all business entities and to all types of activity, except for banking activity, foreign economic activity, licensing of broadcasting channels, licensing in the field of electric power industry and use of nuclear energy, licensing in the field of intellectual property.
Article 7 of the Law determines 30 types of economic activity,
which are subject to licensing:
- search for (prospecting of) minerals;
- production of explosive substances and materials;
- production of especially dangerous chemical substances;
- production of medications, wholesale and retail trade with
- production of forms for securities, documents of strict reporting;
- development, production, manufacturing, storage, transportation,
purchase, transfer, import, sale, destruction of narcotic and
psychotropic substances and precursors;
- medical practice;
- organization and maintenance of totalizators, gambling facilities,
release and raffle of lotteries;
- provision of services on transportation of passengers, cargoes by
air, river, sea, automobile, railway transport;
- provision of educational services;
- provision of services related to safeguarding state and other
property, provision of services on guarding citizens;
- provision of services on radio and telephone communication;
- organization of foreign, domestic tourism, excursion activity;
- production of ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohols, alcoholic
beverages, wholesale trade with ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohols,
wholesale and retail trade with alcoholic beverages;
- production of tobacco products, wholesale and retail trade with
tobacco products;
- insurance activity;
- professional activity at the market of securities.